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Sustainability – Travelife












Preserving environment is one of most extensive problems of modern world. Although it takes global efforts to reduce negative effects of human activities on environment, healthier and sustainable environment starts with actions of each company and individual working in their local communities, caring about the future of generations to come. Hoteli Živogošće commit to conduct business considering environmental goals and to constantly take steps towards more sustainable future.


The Environmental Policy statements apply to business and operations conducted by Hoteli Živogošće d.d. in its managed properties Hotel TUI Blue Makarska and Hotel TUI Blue Adriatic Beach. All employees, suppliers and other partners are expected to share our vision and to be compliant with all European and local environmental laws and regulations.


Our planet strives for better balance between economic systems and environment.

To support sustainable development, we work to engage not only our employees, but guests and local community as well, in environmentally responsible behaviour and help achieving our goals:

Prevent and minimize risk

Always consider environmental risks during all business operations. Promptly update environmental risk assessment and measure progress towards environmental goals to make sure risk is prevented or contained to minimal levels.

Responsible use of energy

Make sure that consumption is being monitored and energy is used efficiently in all our properties. Take steps to increase use of clean and renewable sources of energy, equip properties with energy efficient appliances and implement energy saving systems when feasible.

Smart water management

Raise awareness about water stewardship to encourage implementation of smart solutions that reduce water consumption. Develop projects that will allow increase of water usage efficiency through rain harvesting systems, on site purification and safe drainage system.

Sustainable waste management

Ensure proper handling, sorting and dispose of all types of waste. Reduce waste production by responsible maintenance and reuse of repurpose items.

Green purchasing

Always consider use of recyclable and energy saving products. Verify that all suppliers are conducting their business in an environmentally friendly manner and make them aware about our environmental goals.

Proetection of animal welfare and biodiversity

Ensure that company is not involved in procurement of endangered or protected species. Always respect and support biodiversity in areas surrounding our properties by careful and constant maintenance of landscape. Promote responsible behaviour of guest and employees towards natural habitat.

Empowered community

Engage in sustainability promoting activities of local communities and include community in company efforts. Support environmental projects by founding, volunteer work and active promotion of shared values.

We are strongly committed to achieving all our environmental goals and reducing greenhouse gas emissions as a result of that process.


Company is strongly dedicated to actively and continuously pursue its environmental policy to ensure progress in all areas of commitment. Therefore, progress towards our goals is constantly monitored in all hotel properties and hotels undergo Travelife sustainability certification audits to keep up with sustainability standards.

Company keeps detail monthly records on energy and water consumption, as well as quantities of solid waste disposal and purchasing of hazardous substances and high emission food products.

Yearly Sustainability Report will provide information about company’s successfulness of achieving set targets and planned actions toward increasing performance in environmentally related issues.

Sustainability Report will be shared with employees, suppliers, partners, local community members and always available for all other members of public on company’s web site. We make sure our annual sustainability report is electronically distributed to all key stakeholders, presented to our staff on yearly forum and available on hotel BLUE app to all visitors.





Understanding what basic human rights are and how they relate to business company conducts is a first step towards ensuring inclusive and progressive environment, not only for hotel guests, but for employees and other partners too. Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is committed to promotion, protection, and integration of human rights as essential part of everyday operations.


The Human Rights Protection Policy applies to business and operations conducted by Hoteli Živogošće d.d. in its managed properties Hotel TUI Blue Makarska and Hotel TUI Blue Adriatic Beach. All employees, suppliers and other partners are expected to share our vision and to be compliant with all European and local laws and regulations.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is actively promoting and protecting human rights in community by taking steps to accomplishing the following objectives: 

  • Diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Providing healthy and safe work environment
  • Ensuring good working conditions and employee benefits
  • Prohibition of forced and child labour
  • Respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Protection of privacy and personal data
  • Prevention of violence and harassment
  • Protection of worker’s dignity
  • Supporting community efforts related to human right protection
  • Adequate reaction to violation of human rights


Company ensures equal treatment for all employees which implies equal job and training opportunities, wage, work and life conditions. Therefore, no employee is to be disadvantaged based on race, gender, age, religious beliefs, nationality, sexual orientation, marital or family status, disability, or any physical characteristic.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is obliged to apply all relevant regulations in the field of occupational safety and to constantly work on its improvement.

The company is obliged to ensure the health and safety of workers in all forms related to the work, and in particular: to acquire and maintain the plant, equipment, tools, workplace and access to the workplace, organize work in a way that ensures the protection of the life and health of the worker, with special laws and regulations and according to the nature of the work being performed, and apply health and safety measures at work, to prevent any hazards at work, to inform workers on occupational hazards and to enable them to work safely, and to implement other prescribed occupational safety measures

The employer is obliged to send worker to the appropriate examination or training if his workplace requires it by law, regulation or any other act. The Management Board of the Company shall regulate, by special rules, the design and implementation of protection, risk assessment, rights, obligations and liability and all other matters in accordance with the law. The employer is obliged to provide workers with the insurance in case of an injury or any accident related to their work.


Company will not tolerate any improper, disrespectful or violent behaviour towards guests, employees, partners or local community members.

  • Harassment may occur as any type of behaviour that can result in:
  • Offending, humiliating or intimidating another individual
  • Bulling or sexual disturbance
  • Physical violence
  • Creating hostile work atmosphere
  • Authority abuse ect.

A worker who considers him/her harassed or sexually disturbed has the right to file a complaint regarding the dignity of a worker. When a complaint regarding the protection of the dignity of a worker is received, it shall be examined within eight days from the day of receipt of the complaint and all necessary measures must be taken.

In the process of examining and solving the complaints, the complainant shall be examined by the complainant, the person to whom the complaint relates, and, if necessary, for a complete and truthful determination of the facts, and other persons who may have knowledge of the subject of the complaint, and also produce other evidence.

A worker may be examined in the presence of his/her alternate (attorney, trade union trustee, etc.)

If the company does not take measures to prevent harassment, or if the measures taken by it are obviously inappropriate, a worker who is harassed or sexually disturbed has the right to terminate work while not being protected, provided that he or she has requested protection within a further period of 8 days at the competent court.

All data and documents collected in the dignity protection procedure are secret and confidential. The Ordinance that solved a specific complaint, as well as all other persons involved in the complaint handling process that must be timely warned.


Employees are obliged to submit to the employer, for the purpose of exercising their rights and obligations from employment, all personal data established by the regulations on records in the field of labour, as well as data: for the calculation of income tax, surtax, personal deduction, education and certain specialist knowledge, condition and disability, contractual prohibition of contention with the previous employer, data relating to motherhood protection, etc.

The employer collects and processes data on the workers required for the proper keeping of records in the field of labour:

1. Name and surname of the worker,

2. Personal identification number,

3. Day, month and year of birth,

4. Birth place,

5. The address of the place of residence or place of residence of the worker, telephone number,

6. Place of work,

7. Profession,

8. Education,

9. Qualification for performing certain tasks,

10. Position (workplace) on which a worker works,

11. Working hours of the worker in hours,

12. Working experience with this employer,

13. Whether the contract was concluded for a specified or indefinite period,

14. Whether the worker is a disabled worker,

15. Employment with another employer,

16. The date of employment,

17. The date of termination of employment,

18. Reason for termination of employment

Workers are obliged to submit the information specified in paragraph 1. of this Article immediately upon the occurrence of changes. The employer will, by special decision, appoint a person authorized to collect, use and submit data on workers to third parties in accordance with the statutory regulations.

Employees have right not to share any private information about themselves among other employees. Hoteli Živogošće d.d. obliges to keep and use this information only for mentioned, professional purposes. Information will not be used in any commercial activity or disclosed to other employees or third party.


Any type of forced or compulsory or child labour is strictly prohibited. Company cannot insist on work or service by a person who is not providing them willingly or persuade them on work by any type of threat or penalty. All labour must be contracted in accordance with national, European laws and valid collective agreements. Terms and conditions of employment must be transparently disclosed and signed by the employee before he/she starts to work.


Company obliges to ensure fair and competitive work terms and conditions in accordance to national laws and industry labour market trends. All employees are guaranteed full compliance with national and European laws in terms of wages, work hours, overtime, rest periods, vacation days and other excused absence form workplace.

Company obliges to make sure working environment is adequate to the type business that is being conducted, safe and pleasant for all employees.


Employer cherishes open and progressive communication with employees. Therefore, company will create no obstacle for employees to freely join organizations, committees and trade unions that can offer representation and support in achieving their rights. Members of such organizations will not be discriminated and their work will not be obstructed in any way.

Company will willingly discuss all relevant matters and take part in processes that will ensure better working condition and raise satisfaction of employees. Company is obliged to conduct business in full accordance with collective agreements terms and conditions.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. strongly supports initiatives in protection of human rights and promotion of inclusive community. Company supports and takes part in institutional and civil efforts to ensure no human rights are being violated.


Company celebrates diversity as fundamental value; therefore all employees and partners are expected to act in a respectful and inclusive manner not only at the workplace, but outside of the workplace as well. Company appoints staff representative with adequate skills and knowledge that is responsible for human right protection, recognizing risks, reporting and taking action in case of any violation of guaranteed rights.


Dedication to human rights protection policy in all areas of commitment is one of essential values of the company. Yearly Sustainability Report will provide information about company’s successfulness of achieving set targets and planned actions toward increasing performance in human rights related issues.

Sustainability Report will be shared with employees, suppliers, partners, local community members and always available for all other members of public on company’s web site.





Hoteli Živogošće d.d. helps and supports programs and initiatives that can contribute to strengthening local communities and provide new opportunities for all its members. Company acts as a partner to promote local values and support development strategy.


Policy of supporting local community is an integral part of the company's general business policy, which aims to support to the local economy in various ways, from providing incentives for opening new business entities, helping to provide support and training for new workforce and form other valuable business partnership. All policy statements apply to business and operations conducted by Hoteli Živogošće d.d. in its managed properties Hotel TUI Blue Makarska and Hotel TUI Blue Adriatic Beach.


Entrepreneurs represent the axis of local economic development and they have opportunity to bring many positive effects to life of community. Therefore, entrepreneurs are valuable partners in the preparation and implementation of a local development strategy and their partnership with local community is very important for its progress.

Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is committed to care for the welfare and needs of the citizens, environment and local culture. Company representatives participate in activities with local authorities and civil organizations to recognize people’s needs and bring positive change to community.


The growth of business activities have potentially very positive effects on the standard of living of the population, mainly through rising employment and personal incomes.

The company tends to support local community in following ways: employment of local population; promotion and purchasing of local products; engaging local entrepreneurs in renovation, furnishing and maintenance of our properties; supporting local associations and institutions (sport clubs, schools, museums); supporting organizations of events which promote local culture and community itself; promoting advanced trends and achievements in environment protection, energy saving, waste disposal, human rights protection by being pioneer; initiating and taking part in various local activities e.g. cleaning of the beaches and sea, planting public areas, arranging kids playgrounds...; hotel managements is encouraged to propose and carry out any other activity specific for the local community where hotel operates.


Company stimulates local businesses and the local economy as its belief is that local produce of high quality are the best way to serve our guests in order to represent a true sense of our destination and what it has to offer. Local vendors are preferred as forming of local partnership strengthens local economy and supports its development. Purchasing local products helps reduce costs of transportation and its negative environmental impacts, provides faster and easier support and ensure all food products are fresh and highly quality when delivered.

All local products and services must meet not only the price, but the quality, health and safety standards as well. Beside those criteria, all purchased products must fulfil at least one of the following criteria: Made from recycled products or are recyclable; Fair Trade / Organic; Delivered in sustainable packaging; Energy efficient.


Hoteli Živogošće on yearly basis plan activities that will create rewarding experience and bring progress to local community. There are set targets that determine desirable procurement value, variety of local produce in hotel properties, donations to local institutions and organizations. In annual sustainability report, company reports about activities performed in collaboration with local community members, companies and institutions.





Creating rewarding and memorable experience for each and every hotel guest is one of the core company values. Focused od continuous improvement, company is oriented on enhancing guest experience and maintenance of high quality of all facilities, products and services. To achieve highest standards of quality and meet the guests’ expectations, Hoteli Živogošće commit to implement all TUI BLUE brand standards in accordance with general health, safety, hygienic and quality control standards.


Policy sets measures and targets to keep track of quality level and guest satisfaction in hotel properties. The implementation of quality policy covers the whole organization, all its activities and all employees. The ultimate purpose of the quality policy is the continuous growth of the reputation of the company and its competitive ability in the market. All policy statements apply to business and operations conducted by Hoteli Živogošće d.d. in its managed properties Hotel TUI Blue Makarska and Hotel TUI Blue Adriatic Beach.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. obliges to comply with the following principles: Products and services of the company must be at such a level, so the quality of the overall offer is the most important reason for getting a satisfied guest; Activities in the provision of services should not give the guest expectations that are not prerequisites when offering a complete range of services that these services cannot satisfy; All quality service requirements must be met and aligned with the legal regulations in the field of quality assurance.

During everyday hotel operations, the achievement of the following quality goals should be ensured: Constantly improving the quality of the overall offer and service; Adaptation to customer requirements and feedback; Continuous improvement of the quality management system; Reducing all forms of losses, from energy consumption to material consumption; Improvement of working conditions; Protection employee’s health and safety; Achieve highest hygienic standards.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. evaluates and assures the following ways: Constantly monitor, report and react to guest feedback collected from TUI BLUE customer survey, social network, booking channels and employees; Fully implement and constantly monitor compliance with all TUI brand standards; Successfully accomplish Cristal audit criteria on monthly basis; Getting and constantly monitor compliance with Travelife certification standards; Ensuring full compliance with HACCP standards; Providing proper education and training for every employee; Regularly do internal unbiased quality assessment to evaluate property condition, cleanliness, food and beverage quality, service quality and efficiency, hospitality and friendliness of employees.





Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is obliged to develop and implement efficient systems, standards and practices to protect health and safety of all employees based on priorly conducted risk assessment.


Main aim of this policy is ensuring healthy and safe work environment by minimizing risks for employees, guests, visitors, partners and all other parties that may be impacted by company's activities, keeping in mind the quality level and employees needs at the same time. All policy statements apply to business and operations conducted by Hoteli Živogošće d.d. in its managed properties Hotel TUI Blue Makarska and Hotel TUI Blue Adriatic Beach.


Hoteli Živogošće d.d. is obliged to ensure healthy and safe workplace which implies respecting the following principles:


  1. All factors that may affect or result in injury or occupational disease must be strictly controlled to minimize health and safety risks for our employees.

  1. Company must ensure full compliance with all relevant national and international laws and regulations in all operative hotel properties at all time.

  2. Implement efficient health and safety management program on which all following business activities will be based on:


  • Determination, evaluation and risk control of all factors that are common in work environment and may cause occupational injuries and diseases.
  • Guarantee that all employees are familiar with Health and Safety Policy and obliged to follow its statements.
  • Efficient Health & Safety educational programmes that will be used to properly train employees, develop their skills and reduce risks.
  • Thorough investigation of all occupational injuries and diseases in order to determine common causes and prevent their recurrence.

All Health and Safety requirements are being set according to level of risk that is occurring in a specific business segment. Company is regularly revaluating risk levels to improve level of safety and increase level readiness.


Hoteli Koločep d.d. is committed to full law compliance in accordance with all relevant labour laws and regulations:

  1. All employee labour contracts must minimally comply with lawful minimal wage but should always strive to fairly reflect market wages and reward experience and excellence.

  1. Daily and weekly breaks, as well as vacation days are to be ensured according to law without exception and cannot be compensated in any other form.

  1. All working hours must be correctly recorded and all overtime hours compensated.

  1. Employees are free to join unions and actively participate in worker’s council.

  1. All team members are encouraged to contact management with any kind of workplace related concern without fear of retaliation.

All other rights, freedoms and correction measures are incorporated and detailly explained in company’s Rules of Procedure.


Creating functional and inclusive workplace for all team member is one of the most important goals. Hoteli Živogošće d.d. ensure opportunities for all team members while respecting their individuality:

  1. No gender, age, race, religion, nationality, or any other discrimination can be taking place in work environment. All employees and potential candidates are encouraged to apply for all open job roles and to join all workplace activities without limitations.
  2. Employer must ensure environment is respectful, appreciates diversity and individuality of all team members.
  3. Team members are free to speak and share their cultural experiences, specificnesses and traditions. All teams members must keep in mind that acknowledging cultural diversity in workplace and being respectful toward others is always our core value.


Community is a part of every successful business story. Values and interests of community take important place in Hoteli Živogošće d.d. daily operations and business strategy. We are putting extra effort to all details that increase quality of life, not only for our guests, but for employees and members of local community as well. Special attention is being paid to children, one of most sensitive members of our community.


Main aim of this policy is to determine values, principles, beliefs and practical rules that will be taken to ensure that we are protecting all children and youth in our community.


Only in safe and encouraging environment, children can develop and reach their full potential. Therefore, children welfare must be protected each and every day. Hoteli Živogošće d.d. are dedicated in protection following values:

  • Children and children rights protection is obligation of every adult person – inside and outside the work environment.
  • Any kind of misappropriation, abuse or violence toward child is strictly forbidden, as well as ignoring obvious signs or not reacting to such ongoing activities within workplace or local community.
  • Health, safety and children welfare are the highest of priorities.
  • Each child should always feel appreciated, respected and understood.
  • Listening to children opinion is important, as well as encouraging them to participate in making decisions.
  • All business partners are obliged to fulfil children protection standards trough their own actions and policies and always welcome to support our efforts in local community.

To ensure a framework for these values, we make sure all employees and partners:

  • Always keep in mind how our activities reflect children and never compromise on children welfare.
  • Treat children with respect and acknowledge them as individuals in every occasion.
  • Appreciate children's opinions and take them seriously.
  • Work and interact with children in a way that strengthens their capacities, skills and fulfils their potential.
  • Make partnerships with parents, institutions and experts that can help protect children rights.


It is extremely important that all employees and partners are well aware of situations that might represent risk for children, how to act in those situations and how to prevent them from happening.

When working with and around children we should always follow basic rules:

  • Avoid being alone with a child.
  • Encourage children and allow them to speak freely regarding any problem or concern.
  • Make sure no harmful or inappropriate behaviour is ignored.
  • Empower children, teach them about their rights, what kind of behaviour is not appropriate and who they can talk to if something happens.

All people working with and around children must never:

  • Physically or s psychologically abuse or harm children.
  • Make unnecessary physical contact with children.
  • Sleep in the same bed with a child or invite to spend night in their accommodation.
  • Involve in any kind of sexual interaction or sexually suggestive conversation with child.
  • Develop any form of relationship that can be seen as taking advantage of a child.
  • Act in a way that can put children under risk of being abused.
  • Ignore unlawful, dangerous or violent behaviour towards children.
  • Discriminate, unfairly treat or favour specific child among others.

All people working with and around children should always think how their actions might be interpreted and sustain from:

  • Using inappropriate, offensive language forms, offer any kind of inappropriate advice.
  • Behave in a way that can be interpreted as sexually suggestive.
  • Intrude their personal space or help with things children can do on their own.
  • Act in a way that might humiliate or shame children.


To ensure active and practical implementation of policy, Hoteli Živogošće d.d. are conducting the following activities on regular basis:

  • Familiarize all employees with Children and children rights policy by arranging yearly workshop and employee training. Human Resources department organizes a training that teaches all employees how to act if somebody is acting suspiciously around children, how to report such behaviour and to whom regardless of the fact it may happen outside workplace.
  • When signing contracts and making partnerships, all parties need to be aware of obligation to share the same values written in this policy.
  • Employment procedure always includes appropriate background check to make sure all employees are suitable to work with children.
  • Company should actively support local institutions and civil organisations that promote and safeguard children rights.
  • Company appoints and always informs about appointed Commissioner for Children rights protection.


All employees of Hoteli Živogošće d.d. are familiar with procedure of reporting suspicious behaviour towards children.

Suspicious behaviour in which there is a chance children’s right might be endangered should always be reported following the next steps:

  • Situations should be reported without a delay. If there is an emergency, situation needs to be reported to police immediately. Situations that are not urgent can be reported to appointed hotel commissioner.
  • When reporting try to describe situation and specific details, time, place and persons involved.
  • If hotel commissioner is not onsite, situation needs to be reported to Duty manager or hotel General manager.
  • Hotel commissioner will gather all information and take further steps and report situation to relevant institutions.

Appointed hotel Children rights commissioner:

Name: Ines Barać

Job role: Human Resources manager

e-mail address:

In case of emergency - do not wait! If you witness ongoing child abuse or direct threat to child's well-being it is necessary to report situation to police officers by calling 192 or 112 immediately.


Hotel Children protection commissioner is obliged to react on each request/information in next 24 hours since request/information was delivered.

When reporting suspicious behaviour, hotel commissioner should follow the procedure:

  1. Report suspicious behaviour towards children on Croatian Ministry of the Interior via “RED BUTTON” web page: Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske - Online prijava (
  2. Follow web page instructions, choose option “Report abuse” or “Report internet content” regarding of the situation that needs to be reported.
  3. Fill in mandatory fields, describe situation and specific details, describe time, place and people involved. Disclose the identity of participants if that information is available.
  4. When reporting internet content, always write down the web page address or link.
  5. Write name, last name, address, telephone number and email address.
  6. If there is an issue and internet connection is not available, report situation by telephone or personally report in Police station Dubrovnik-Neretva county.
  7. Report on all actions taken to hotel General manager and Board member of Hoteli Živogošće d.d.


All employees are free and encouraged to ask hotel commissioner for help even if suspicious behaviour happened outside of the workplace.

Every citizen and visitor in Croatia can report suspicious behaviour to following public institutions:

  1. Police station Makarska- Makarska Riviera:
  • Via RED BUTTON web site:
  • By phone call to number +385 21 307 739
  • Via e-mail to 
  • Personally in Police station Makarska (Addres: Ul. Kralja Petra Krešimira IV 4, 21300, Makarska)
  • All emergency situations can be reported to telephone number 112 ili 192

2. “Hrabri telefon” – 0800 0800 – 24 hour phone line for anonymous reports

Public’s Attorney Office Makarska:

Work hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 2 PM

Address: Ul. Kralja Petra Krešimira IV 4, 21300, Makarska

Telephone: +385 21 307 739